
Sunday, 7 April 2019

The feels

This is not a dear crush thingy , this is a real crush letter 

So i fell in love with a girl , mistakenly. I just wish i got the chance to meet her or know her. A mysterious girl. but for boys like me , it'll never works that way, anyways. 

So hey , if my crush out there if you fall in to my blog , I just wanna say i wish we get to know each other, i believe in anything your choice, even if you falling in love for someone else or taken, I'll be waiting on the sidewalk just waiting patiently. Like i said in those three stories i wrote for you. So yeah,  I hopefully we get to talk to each other one day or not.

Love you for those who always tuning on my blog every hour , min , sec , day , months  and years. I appreciate all of you.