Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Year 8 Graduation
Last night was our year 8 graduation and our last year in primary. Last night I was proud of myself and making it to the finish of my last year in primary. Sione Taufa presented a speech and I was so inspired of his quote , He said dream big but start small , that what I'm gonna remember in my head. I will try my hardest and my best to success my main goal.
Monday, 12 December 2016
Christmas Tree light up
Last week friday I play this game and it called christmas light up. In this came you have to light up all the light to make the star shine. It was hard because you have to think harder of how you gonna light up the star. I had fun in this game even it quiet hard but I tried my best.
Thursday, 8 December 2016
I can't Imagine life without...
For this activity, I had to fill the boxes for I can't imagine in life. This eight things that is filled in the boxes , is that I can't imagine life without. This activity was fun and easy to do. I hope we do activity like this again.
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Monday, 5 December 2016
The awesome day
It was on Tuesday that the year 8 were managing a game for the rest of the senior school. Tuesday was a super fun day for all the seniors . We had water activities going on and some enjoyable activities that people like and more. My friend and I were try to plan to make the kids happy and enjoy our activities , but him and I still had fun with the kids playing octopus. When me and my friend had no kids to join our activity , So we went and see how the other year 8. I had so much fun on tuesday and also the year 8 also had fun , It was like a day that I will never forget , There is plenty words to describe that day , For me I have to say it was phenomenal day. Maybe I hope next year yr 8 do some water activities , Excitement and enjoyable activities.
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Today and last week ,We Have been Learning about enlargement. We have to select our image and grid on the computer and used google drawing.
We to enlarge our image with the grid outside on the ground but first we have to find and and work out what is our scale factor. My scale factor was 1 cm represent 36 cm. I have to correct my drawing by counting the square. To be Honest I didn't not use the squares or use the ruler outside for my chalk work , I just did it freehanded. I really need more work on scale factor and maybe next time I will use the ruler not draw it freehand.
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Maths- Enlargement in geomertry
Today in maths we did enlargement in geometry. What I did is use the grid and count the squares to draw my ant and trying to revise the small ant to make it bigger. the strategy we have to use was scale factor to find the answer. Honestly for me I find it a little difficult to do it because sometimes I couldn't remember my times table .But this time I want to try harder to learn my times table and division. Next time I want to learn prime factors.
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
E asttle Strand
In the10th of november , in my e asttle test I got a 3P. This term I didn't try my best of getting a 4P and I haven't achieve my goal. But I really wanna try the best I can of getting a good mark and learn more in maths and basically to achieve my goal. Maybe next time I will try the hardest I can to get a good mark without getting easily distracted and focus on my work.
Friday, 11 November 2016
WALT: Create and name tessellation patterns
We were learning about tessellation. In tessellation we not allowed to have gaps and no overtake. We named our tessellation 3,6,3,6. I find this math lesson pretty Confused , But maybe next time I wanna try to learn it more and to understand it. I hopefully we can do this again.
Monday, 7 November 2016
Haiku lesson
Yesterday we learned haiku lesson. I learned a lot of things about the haiku poem and the rules of the poem. The rules of the poem is that there are 3 line and the first line has 5 syllables and the second line has to have 7 syllables. The last line has to have 5 syllables. We had to use figurative language throughout this term.
I learn personification , alliteration and imagery. This is a poem that my friend and I did.
The Beach
The whistling wind
Brushing past the coconuts,
Waves snatching sea shells
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Reading Comprehension
Yesterday I did a Reading comprehension. In this comprehension I scored 64%. What I did know was that most lightning occur between the clouds. But next time I want to learn more about lightning and thunder and try to get 84%. And hopefully this will help me in my e asttle test.
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Basic Facts
Today I did a Basic Facts. I have scored 67%. I didn't know my multiplication and division facts. I need to try my best to learn more on my multiplication and division. Next time I wanna get 75% in my next test. Next time I wanna learn division off by heart.
Friday, 28 October 2016
Olympic Ambassdors
Yesterday we meet an olympic ambassadors. she give us advice and what is the olympic value. I was inspired by her and her goal. her goal was " I will do the best every day" and I was inspired by that. Maybe I will set that as my goal in life. And create my own goal of what I'm gonna do and achieve my dream. Also to try harder to make my dream come true.
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Brooke Neal
Today an olympic ambassadors visit our class. Her name was Brooke Neal and she came from rio olympic. I was quite surprise to see her and she give us lot of advice and lot of information about the olympic values.
I was inspired by her goal and one of my favourite goal of hers is " nothing can stop me."And I hope she come back again.
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Math Man
last week I played a game called math man. This game is more similar to pac man. All you have to do is follow the question down below and get the answer on the ghost. There are 4 game like this and they are called subtraction , addition , division and multiplication. The game I played was division math man. I scored 20886 points and maybe next time I will get more point.
Monday, 5 September 2016
Friday, 2 September 2016
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Japanese Game
Today was the best day. Mr Yamasaki taught us how to play a japanese game. I was excited of learning a new game. The japanese game was very interesting to play but I like it. I hope we learn more and play another japanese game again next week.
Friday, 26 August 2016
How sports has made me a better person
WALT: write an explanation.
I have always enjoyed watching and playing sport but I believe it has also made me a better person. It has encouraged me to get fit and it has taught me about many important qualities and values.
Playing sport has taught me about respect. I’ve learnt to play fairly and respect the rules in the game. I need to be disciplined and not show anger and bad behaviour on the field. It’s important to show respect to my team mates. I need to learn how to be polite to my opponents and their team. If they win I should congratulate them.
Sports has made me value excellence. I have to train physically and mentally and take care of my body. I need to gain confidence with my skills and develop a positive attitude. The team must co operate, plan their moves and work together so they could win the game. I need to do my best. I have also learnt to admire excellence in other people.
Sport has helped me learn more about friendship. I have learnt that my friends have good qualities such as honesty, trust and helpfulness. If we hadn’t played together I might not have seen these qualities. Having fun with my friends and being part of a team is a great experience. I have also made new friends when we joined a team together. If we hadn’t been in a team together we might not have known each other. Friendship doesn’t just last on the field it carries on afterwards in our lives.
I really believe that sport has made me a better person. I have learnt to respect other people and myself and I have learnt to admire excellence, I have created bonds with my old friends and made new ones. The thing I value the most is friendship.
Monday, 15 August 2016
Chalk art
Last friday we did chalk art. For the past few weeks we were doing this art to relate to the olympics. The sport code was weightlifting. My very first sport code was wrestling but it was difficult of doing it so I have to change my code. The first thing we had to do is plan before hand. We drew our plan on a piece of paper then we were finally ready. We choose Last friday because it was sunny and beautiful. Then Room 8 and Room 7 start the chalk art. We did a great chalk art and it was fun. I hope we do this art again.
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Guinea Pig Olympics: Pole Vault
Friday, 5 August 2016
Basic Facts
Yesterday I did a basic fact. In this test I scored 50%. In this test it was timed. I am starting to little improve in my basic facts. It was a little bit difficult but I am willing to know it off by heart and learn more of 1000s and addition to 20. I want try more harder of getting 62%. Maybe next time I hopefully that I will get 62%
Thursday, 4 August 2016
Cook Island Language Week
Cook Island Language Week
After morning tea, we had some visitors from the Auckland Museum. Today we were learning about Cook Island history. What I find interesting was that I didn't know that they use coconut as a material. Today I learnt that in the olden days, they used stars, the sun and the moon as their guidance. I enjoy them coming here and I hope they come again to teach us some more Cook Island history.
Friday, 29 July 2016
Monday, 25 July 2016
Friday, 8 July 2016
Math patterns
Walht: Decorate repetitive patterns on muffin only using 2/3 elements
Decorating muffins using patterns was related to our maths. For the past 3 weeks we have been learning about composite patterns. I found it difficult to find correct strategy to solve the term that was given. I find it very confusing of learning the rule but I am still learning the rule. I found it fun creating a pattern on my muffin. But what I found challenging is trying to stable my elements on the muffin. In conclusion maybe next time I want to learn the Bedmas.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Netball collage
Today was our last day of playing netball. For our last day we had laughter and enjoyable time. I really enjoy playing netball and I hope our coach will come back to teach us more netball skills and also play another game of netball
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
For the past two weeks we have been doing a our item for jump rope for heart foundation. Last week and I didn’t do skipping because I was sick. In the weekend I had hay fever and my throat start to shrink and couldn’t barely talk. But I wish I was there skipping in the event and skip with my best friend Ben.
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Basic facts
On monday I did a basic facts test. In this test I scored 42 %. In this test I didn't improve my basic fact. It was so hard doing the timed test because I don't know basic facts well. Next time I want to improve my basic facts by knowing it off by heart.
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
Poem and Poster on allergies
Allergy can give you swell
Then go to your parent and tell
Allergy can make you scared But the doctor will help you instead
If the Allergy stay
Take pandol or cream and it will go away
This week I was learning about allergies. During this week I did my poem about allergy then I created a poster about the allergy and immune system. We link this to the human anatomy from our topic study.
Friday, 3 June 2016
Basic Facts
Today I did a basic facts. In this test I scored 80% in 12m and 55s for stage 6. In this test I didn't get the score I wanted because I didn't know my adding and subtracting to thousand and my subtracting to 20. But I know my multiplication ,division and my addition to 20 very well. I will try to practice really hard on my adding and subtracting to thousand and my subtraction to 20. Maybe next I try to score 90%.
If you wanna do a basic facts test click on this link
Thursday, 2 June 2016
Basic facts
Yesterday I did a basic facts. In this test I scored 80% in 10m and 21s for stage 6. In test I didn't my adding and subtracting to thousand and I didn't know my subtraction to 20. But I really do know my addition of 20 and multiplication and division. I really need to have more practice on my adding and subtract to thousand and work on my subtraction to 20. Maybe next time I will try to score 87.
If you wanna do a Basic facts click on this link,nz
If you wanna do a Basic facts click on this link,nz
Monday, 23 May 2016
How to be a good egg
Over the weekend I have been a good egg because I said my pray before I go breakfast. So My dad and I made breakfast for mum and my sister. We had marvelous milo and it was yum. In breakfast time I ask my dad if I could go to church on a rainy day and I told him I do anything to go to church even do I have to get wet and he said “yes.” At church I learn about love and how love is powerful thing in life.
Friday, 13 May 2016
Basic Facts
Today I did basic facts., In this test I scored 35% in 12m and 48s for stage 6. This is my first time getting a 35%. Before I had 32% because I didn't know my addition to 1000 and subtraction to 20 also my multiplication. But I was very surprised that I got a 35% because thought I couldn't get that score but I did.
Maybe next try a new level .
Sunday, 8 May 2016
Friday, 6 May 2016
WALHT: use the order of operation - BEDMAS

This is an online activity for practice. I find it easy working with a partner because it so easy to solve the problem together. And it so easier because to learn from my partner who has the same ability. what I find difficult is the brackets and exponents because I didn't understand it but hopefully next time I will try to do my very best next time. Maybe next time I want to learn order of operations in faction.
This is an online activity for practice. I find it easy working with a partner because it so easy to solve the problem together. And it so easier because to learn from my partner who has the same ability. what I find difficult is the brackets and exponents because I didn't understand it but hopefully next time I will try to do my very best next time. Maybe next time I want to learn order of operations in faction.
If you want play this click on here order of operation
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
Friday, 15 April 2016
Ice cream sandwich
WALHT: write description writing
As my hands and my mouth were cold a chocolate flavour taste raising up in my mouth as it was taking me to a chocolate factory. As it was in my hands it was so cold that barely it almost numb my hand. My hands were freezing hardcore like taking a trip to antarctica. Eating it with a big bite my head went almost completely frozen it was about half way that my head felt like It has been blasted by a freeze gun but luckily it was only half way. And finally with a last taste I felt like I was free from icy frozen iceberg.
Friday, 8 April 2016
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Friday, 1 April 2016
Abigail adams
This comprehension is called Abigail Adams. This Comprehension is about Abigail Adams as known as John adams wife. It about her life as the First lady. In the first part I found interesting because I didn’t know that she was the mother of the sixth president John Quincy Adams. I found this comprehension a bit easy. Maybe next time I want to do a comprehension like this.
Friday, 25 March 2016
Corn art
WALT: draw a corns
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Math card game
WALT:revise fractions, Decimals and percentage
Today in maths we played a card game. In this card game we had to match the 4 cards. I find it easy because I learnt decimals, percentages and fractions. Next time I want to learn ratios and proportion.
Today in maths we played a card game. In this card game we had to match the 4 cards. I find it easy because I learnt decimals, percentages and fractions. Next time I want to learn ratios and proportion.
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
Reading Activity
In this reading activity I was reading a about bruce lee. As I was reading this activity I had to fill up the blank boxes. All I have to do is to related to the story. This activity was so easy because I was reading about Bruce lee. I think having an activity like this is fun because it much easier to learn. In this activity I scored 31 point. Maybe Next time I want to score 45 point. So that what I have to a achieve.
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Grammar Blast
This game is called grammar blast. In this game I learn adjective and adverbs. To play this game you need to answer the Quiz. I find this game so easy to work online. In this game I scored 25 points in the grammar blast. I hope maybe next time I will try to score 45.
Friday, 11 March 2016
Estimation Activities
We estimating the different parts of the cob of sweetcorn. I worked with Tane, Huntah .We were very closest of the total of kernels. I find this estimation activity challenging for me but my group helped me to solve the problem. The skills we use was rounding off. I think work in the group is very easy because you can discusses the problem and get the answer. Next time I want learn cross multiplication in fraction.
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