
Friday, 30 October 2015

All blacks and Wallabies

 All blacks and Wallabies
Image result for wallabies rugby

 I think the All blacks will win victorious because they work so hard to make it to the finale of the rugby world cup. Also the Austraila
They also tried their best and skills to make to the finale too. 

So I think that the all blacks is going to win. For addition for the score for the all blacks is 57 to 29 

Monday, 26 October 2015

Friday, 23 October 2015

Basic Facts Test

WALT: writing a reflection on my Basic Facts result

My basic.jpg
Yesterday we did our basic facts test.The stage that I did was Stage 6.Today I got my basic facts result and When see my basic facts result I thought to myself that I need to try more harder and harder. My score did I got was 562. My score before was 564.

When I got 562 I knew that I am not making any Improvements. The reason why That I got 562% Because I didn’t finished my basic facts. My basic fact was incomplete so maybe next time I want to try to complete my basic fact test and Accelerate more in my basic facts.

What I want achieve in my e asttle test is try to get a 3A.  

Monday, 19 October 2015


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The site that  I went on  is called studyladder . Studyladder  is site that good for student to go on and learn to help them with their vocabulary from the game that  they played. The game that I played is called fraction game . To play the the fraction game  you have to click on the right answer then press a button that say enter  to go on the next question . In this game It was easy because I learnt  a bit of  fraction . So I  got 10 correct In the game . It was fun . Maybe next time on  another game  I will try harder and  Think harder  in my maths .